Swimitation for wellness and float centers

Swimitation works well as an additional service for float spa customers

Swimitation is for exercising as well as for supported floating

List of services that can be provided

Swimitation floating versus Regular floating

Swimitation provides supported floating and has many advantages compared to the floating in isolation tanks:


  • Swimitation involves fresh water floating. People with dry skin cannot float in Epsom salt water because the salt causes sharp tingling or burning pain, plus the salt makes skin even dryer. For people with diabetes, high levels of magnesium can stimulate insulin release;
  • The Swimitation chair provides body trunk support. This creates a feeling of security, getting absolutely rid of drowning fears and enabling the body to relax more easily;
  • In Swimitation, you can also float using a yoga mat or special devices like Flothetta.
  • The Swimitation chair helps people maintain an ergonomically-correct body posture, whereas denser body parts sink with regular floating, resulting in muscle tension,.


Swimitation is an excellent option to offer those who traditionally use isolation tanks as well as those who would like to, but cannot for various medical reasons. Swimitation offers an additional benefit over isolation tanks as well– a fitness session.


On the other hand, Swimitation’s fitness and relaxation service is good to offer any wellness clients.

Video Trainings

Over 200 excercises from physical therapists for all kind of goals.

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floating and wellness

Spa Fitness for Vacationing Clients

Hotels and spas try to offer luxurious treatments for those who have come to gain health, beauty, and relaxation. Fitness sessions with all the sweat and effort are not so appetizing for wellness clients. Swimitation changes that. We have turned exercising into a fitness gourmet you want to offer your clients.

Swimitation is a thoughtful service. In a contemporary world, beauty, fitness, health, and relaxation are inseparable. Exercise, meditation, and finding inner healing power have become increasingly more important. Mindful living and caring for the all-connected mind was noted as an über trend of 2014 by the wellness industry.  The trend shows interweaving mindfulness techniques into spa and wellness activities.

float spa

Adding Swimitation to your servise list shows novelty

Provide ultimate care to your customers. Wellness customers are like any other people. They come with their individual problems; many of them have back pain or similar issues and have stress. These symptoms often come with lack of exercise or lack of relaxation. Swimitation deals with these issues at a fundamental level. Adding Swimitation to your service list shows deep concern for the wellbeing of your customers.

The Swimitation session can be combined with

  • light and sound therapy
  • aroma therapy
  • water massage system
  • oxygen hydrotherapy system

If you are planning a spa or renovating one, ask about our special offer and get expert advice on combined spa services!

I have anxiety disorder which causes me physical pain and tense muscles. One of the therapies that I got was Swimitation and it does wonders! It relaxes my mind and that helps a lot with overall wellbeing.

The workout is very easy to follow and doesn’t put pressure on your joints. You can choose from a variety of different training sets so it’s always fun and new! Also after a Swimitation session I always feel like I had a nice abs workout, which is great! I recommend it to everyone!


In January 2018 I started to use Swimitation for metabolic recovery and overall physical development. Regularily I go once a week. Swimitation has made my body more elastic and my step longer. When I had a leg injury, I used Swimitation twice a week and the recovery was amazingly fast. Swimitation is life-changing for athletes and players! For overall wellness after trainings as well as for achieving the goals!

Jürgen KülmLong distance runner
Tarmo Prikk

For years I had been suffering of lower back pain, specifically in mornings. My friend recommended to try Swimitation. I did not have a lot of faith, but I decided to try. In the next morning something felt unusual. The back pain was gone! This happened a few years ago and the pain has been gone ever since.

Tarmo Prikk


Swimitation requires professional installation and operation. We’ll minimize your worries by sharing our experience and recommendations. As our client, you will have our full support during installation and will receive servicing recommendations plus have access to detailed information and photos via the website.

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Swimitation is a B2B or a B2B2C product and we welcome the opportunity to grow together. A Swimitation location can become a reseller and increase their revenue through sales.

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