Swimitation for wellness and float centers
Swimitation works well as an additional service for float spa customers
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Over 200 excercises from physical therapists for all kind of goals.
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Spa Fitness for Vacationing Clients
Hotels and spas try to offer luxurious treatments for those who have come to gain health, beauty, and relaxation. Fitness sessions with all the sweat and effort are not so appetizing for wellness clients. Swimitation changes that. We have turned exercising into a fitness gourmet you want to offer your clients.
Swimitation is a thoughtful service. In a contemporary world, beauty, fitness, health, and relaxation are inseparable. Exercise, meditation, and finding inner healing power have become increasingly more important. Mindful living and caring for the all-connected mind was noted as an über trend of 2014 by the wellness industry. The trend shows interweaving mindfulness techniques into spa and wellness activities.

Adding Swimitation to your servise list shows novelty
Provide ultimate care to your customers. Wellness customers are like any other people. They come with their individual problems; many of them have back pain or similar issues and have stress. These symptoms often come with lack of exercise or lack of relaxation. Swimitation deals with these issues at a fundamental level. Adding Swimitation to your service list shows deep concern for the wellbeing of your customers.
The Swimitation session can be combined with
- light and sound therapy
- aroma therapy
- water massage system
- oxygen hydrotherapy system
If you are planning a spa or renovating one, ask about our special offer and get expert advice on combined spa services!