Swimitation for Fitness
Bring new clients and age groups to your fitness center
- Offer low-cost private training
- Suitable for pro athletes and everyday people
- Over 200 excercises from physical therapists
Video Trainings
Over 200 exercises from physical therapists for all kinds of goals.
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No need for a trainer
To remain competitive, sports clubs have to be able to offer multifaceted training and relaxation options. A training session doesn’t need a trainer; the client can complete the exercises alone, without a trainer present.
Swimitation sessions can be carried out in the presence of a personal trainer or a physical therapist if preferred as well.

Minimum maintenance
Aquatic therapy is not a common treatment; awareness needs to be raised. Infrastructure, expertise, and investments are the main obstacles faced by various forms of water therapy.
Swimitation design uses maximum corner radiuses and is smooth, while its ability to drain completely makes hygiene simple. It’s easy to clean and we’ll help you communicate proper care to your local pool service provider.

Opportunity for many
Many people avoid public pools for various reasons, be it fear of bacteria, lack of swimming skills, or social anxiety. Water in public pools is also too cold for people with any rheumatic symptoms, nor are most pools accessible and friendly to visually-impaired and hearing-impaired populations.
Swimitation is private and requires no swimming skills, while those who require assistance typically have minimal needs. The smooth design assures water hygiene and the water temperature is easily adjusted to the client’s needs and preferences.

Real results
Swimitation helps people recover from training and injury quickly. The recovery period between the trainings (also called the metabolic recovery) is crucial in the pursuit of intense physical training.
Active recovery is more efficient than passive recovery. Swimitation is ideal for active recovery; Athlete can train more when Swimitation recovers the body.