for fitness, wellness and recovery centers
- Offer your customers 5 whole body video workouts
- We support with installation and implementation
- Full operations manual and support
- Over 200 exercises
or read about benefits for users
Aquatic exercise is one of the most efficient recovery- and training methods.
Read about the benefitsBeat the Gravity
The world’s first fitness bath for efficient whole-body workouts; not just for laying or slowly moving one or two limbs at a time.
Innovative: aquatic exercise video sessions without the presence of a physical therapist. Aquatic physical therapy is possible at home!
5 professional full-length fitness videos with over 200 exercises compiled by our physical therapy and Pilates experts.
Supported Floating: a new concept and good alternative to isolation tanks.
The elegant design is suitable for luxurious interiors as well as medical institutions.
Swimitation Sessions: the first truly private water sport.
The special design allows for minimum water consumption and maximum hygiene. Whereas other baths of the same water volume only allow for sitting, laying, or moving one limb at a time, Swimitation offers ample space for full range-of-motion. Excellent water hygiene is ensured by avoiding any standing water and using large corner radiuses, eliminating the bacteria growth in standing water which results in sanitation issues for public pools.
Swimitation is great addition to
Fitness Centers
Swimitation combines wellness with fitness, enables supported floating, and has several advantages over isolation tanks. Use Swimitation fitness sessions and fresh water floating in your service list to attract clients and make sure they stay.
Read moreAthletes
As a perfect training recovery aid and injury healing solution, Swimitation works well for athletes and serves as a fitness device anyone can use. See how Swimitation efficiently trains core muscles and how it brings new client groups to fitness centers, including pregnant women and people with disabilities.
Read moreWellness and Float Centers
Swimitation is an excellent option to offer those who traditionally use isolation tanks as well as those who would like to, but cannot for various medical reasons. Swimitation offers an additional benefit over isolation tanks as well– a fitness session.
Read morePhysical Therapy and Medical Centers
From back pain to injury recovery, rheumatism, neurological diseases, autism, stress and depression, Swimitation is the most efficient aquatic physical therapy available. Read more – what water can do for your patients.
Read moreHomes
Busy People! We know your schedule. We know you need a real solution to your back pain as well as overall physical and mental shape. Install Swimitation at home and get full control over your life!

I have anxiety disorder which causes me physical pain and tense muscles. One of the therapies that I got was Swimitation and it does wonders! It relaxes my mind and that helps a lot with overall wellbeing.
The workout is very easy to follow and doesn’t put pressure on your joints. You can choose from a variety of different training sets so it’s always fun and new! Also after a Swimitation session I always feel like I had a nice abs workout, which is great! I recommend it to everyone!

In January 2018 I started to use Swimitation for metabolic recovery and overall physical development. Regularily I go once a week. Swimitation has made my body more elastic and my step longer. When I had a leg injury, I used Swimitation twice a week and the recovery was amazingly fast. Swimitation is life-changing for athletes and players! For overall wellness after trainings as well as for achieving the goals!
Jürgen KülmLong distance runner

For years I had been suffering of lower back pain, specifically in mornings. My friend recommended to try Swimitation. I did not have a lot of faith, but I decided to try. In the next morning something felt unusual. The back pain was gone! This happened a few years ago and the pain has been gone ever since.